There are many different ways to be involved in our Chevra kadisha.
Become a shomer:
Being with the body of the deceased as a guardian or shomer is an important mitzvah. Your presence expresses respect or kevod ha-met for the body and soul of the deceased. The body or met was the vessel that housed the person’s soul during their lifetime. You are there to protect the sanctity of the met and offer consolation to the soul. Therefore, he or she should not be left unattended. In order to accomplish this we have people be with the deceased in two hour shifts from after they are enclosed in the casket (aron) until burial.
We welcome new participants to our shmira team. Please contact us if you are interested. (707)322-1631 or (707)546-6043
Participate in Tahara:
We welcome new participants to our tahara team. Please contact us if you are interested. (707)322-1631 or (707)546-6043
Other opportunities to be involved:
We need people to help create educational events, update our web presence, help schedule shmira and other organizational tasks. Please contact us if you are interested. (707)322-1631 or (707)546-6043